Laura mentioned to the group that we went on a great air boat ride for my birthday but I don't think she told you we didn't see that many alligators in the air boat or where we were driving around. Well friends, this time we went to Big Cypress National Park and the boys were able to achieve another Junior Rangers badge. We were also able literally dozens of gators and it was pretty damn cool. Laura had to stop me from tossing Bridgeeta into the water to see what would happen, LOL!
Big Cypress Junior Ranger Badge |
This one wanted Bridgeeta real bad |
Look they are such a great looking family |
14 footer |
We walked around a great board walk in the park that went from the grasslands right into the swamp. There were more spiders in the swamp than should be allowed on the planet in one area.
This was cool! |
I think the boys are enjoying our stop here in Florida but you be the judge!
I love these guys!!! |
I am going to take some pictures later this week of all the great things I see at night here but I wanted to share a funny story. On my first night shift I turned on the lights at one of the pavilion's and watched gecko's, frogs and lizards pour out of the light fixtures. That was cool but while driving on my golf cart I passed under a palm tree headed to my next stop and about had a heart attack. A rather large tree frog decided that he wanted to catch a ride on the cart with me. This would have been pretty cool had the frog just landed on the cart, instead, he landed square in the middle of my chest and caused me to let out quite a loud yell. I almost peed my pants and I guarantee that any of you would have had the same reaction! I brought the family out to see the rather large tree frog and when Jacob went to pick it up it peed all over him. This is something great about the frogs here, they will attack you when you open doors in the dark and then pee on you to show they are the boss. The house keeper at the last KOA made a great comment that I now believe whole heartedly. She said that this state is a jungle that is constantly trying to reclaim its land.