I have to interrupt! THANK YOU to my amazing husband for keeping up with the BLOG! I am working non-stop between school with the boys, my seasonal work with a college app review company, (Beth Garst, you are a life saver!!!!) and trying to launch TWO of my own business'! Alan is doing an amazing job, I so appreciate it. I am madly in love with Oregon, so there is a good chance you'll notice a significant droning on my part in the future about it! I am hoping to return to that state in the near future for a longer stay. I have FINALLY talked Alan into the idea of a yurt, he is still dragging his feet on the bee and llama farm but I will WEAR HIM DOWN!

Shout out to Nancy for the special treat she gave us to experience Oregon on her behalf! The boys and I went to the seaside hotel, "Inn at Spanish Head" and had a fancy lunch and talked about how lucky we are to her, her family and all of you in our lives. We are filled with gratitude! Ok, gotta get back to work! Things will slow down with the editing job around Thanksgiving and I'll get back into the blogging mode! Until then, I am writing a FAQ piece so send me your questions!!!! Also, come check out my learningpathfinder page on Facebook!

On that note, we stopped again on the Oregon coast town of Newport where even though I had to work, Laura and the boys went to see a few things. We could see the wonderful bridge over the bay from our trailer. They visited the Hatfield Marine Science Center just down the road from the RV park where the boys got to touch more sea creatures. Our next stop was Florence Oregon where we visited one of several lighthouses on this trip. Heceta Head lighthouse had a wonderful view of the Pacific coast and the Devils Punch Bowl which was just around the corner. On our way down we had to stop at the Tillamook cheese factory and get ice cream and cheese.

Since this trip is all about experiences for us and the kids and to see and do things that we have never experienced it was decided that we were going to spend the extra money to go out and rent dune buggies in the sand dunes on the Oregon coast. I have to say this was one of the highlights of this 15 months just because we could speed all over the dunes. Jacob and I got to ride quads while Laura drove Aiden around in the buggy all the while screaming when they went up and down the dunes. Our last stop in Oregon was a rocky beach where the tide pools were absolutely amazing. We have tried to do this along the Oregon and Washington coasts since we arrived but never seemed to find the right area or missed the tide. This spot had so many sea stars, crabs and harbor seals that we spent a good 2 hours walking down the beach checking out the wildlife.

What a wonderful summer in the north west.