Friday, May 10, 2013

Deep Breath.......

     FINALLY, we have slowed down long enough to take a breath! Everything from April 15th to now has been moving at a MILLION miles an hour! We have been so blessed with friends who did everything from making meals, to packing boxes to selling stuff and cleaning up! The Colorado weather continues to be ridiculous vacillating between snow, rain and wind. Without hot water and a clear walkway, we have been continuing to live downstairs out at the Ranch in Franktown. Good thing too as just after the latest rain storm we came in to find a soaked mattress and two leaky skylights in the trailer. As our friends over at Fulltime Family say, things will break when you move, and when you don't! So we are getting used to the idea that fixing things will be a weekly occurrence! This weekend we hope to finish the kitchen and our bedroom areas and figure out what the gig is with the hot water heater. It's been a real blessing to be able to get all the kinks figured out while we still have an alternative place to live. Thank goodness for the in-laws! It's been great coming "home" to the ranch each night.
     The kids are adjusting well, I think we will all be happy to get into our own spaces, especially Jacob who runs deep. He has had a meltdown or too but usually a good night sleep helps him to bounce back.  Tonight we had a cub scout meeting in the park across from the house we used to live in. I was taken aback by the feeling of sadness at seeing someone elses patio furniture on "my deck". Right up until Alan reminded me that they are the ones that get to mow, weed and sweat out the summer without AC! At times it's been hard to let go but we always remind each other what we will be getting in return.
     This week's moment to remember.... Aiden got to try out the new ER when he walked into the brick wall and had to get stitches. While they were stitching him up, the Dr asked what he was going to do this summer. He said, "We'll be camping for the whole year!" As often happens, the Dr. and Nurse turned and gave us a quizzical look, to which we nodded yes. They asked where he wants to go the most and Aiden answered, "Tokyo." Looks like Geography is the first on the roadschool list!
     Grab your chopsticks, Tokyo here we come!