It’s a ghost town around here! The park is quickly emptying,
actually, people have been departing steadily all month. When we go to hear the
peacocks at dusk there are no campers below, just us and the birds. There is
another family here, the Denins, that we adore. They split their time between
their property in Scottsdale and their place in Bend. All the kids run wile
through the empty sites between the families. It’s great to see them playing
with glowsticks and flashlights well after the street lights have come on.
We’ve even had to give our kids a curfew as they would stay out all night with
the others if we let them. They are in kid heaven here. Both families do school
in the morning, then around one the kids each pick a big bag of weeds that they
take up to the office to trade out for a frozen treat. We all head to the pool
where they play Water Volleyball with whatever is left of the winter crowd. And
then home again to refuel before the wild rompus begins.
I am itching to
be back on the road, exploring new places and learning new things. Alan is less
excited as he ends up fixing something each time we stop, or dealing with a
blow out. He would benefit most of all from upgrading the rig as it is taking
it’s toll on him. All three of them would like to get a bigger rig and stay out
but I am not sure that’s possible right now. While I would LOVE to have a
newer, more reliable rig and stay out, I think we need to pay this one down a
bit more before we do anything with it. We are spending the next few months
looking at possible locations to stop for a year or so. We have added Austin,
Walla Walla, Boise, and Bend to the already large list of potential spots. Many
of those are driven by Alan’s job prospects and his total refusal to live
anywhere that may even remotely reek of snow. And, as I am clearly a total
nightmare in anything above 87 degrees, it limits our discussions! If Alan has
his way there is pretty good chance that we’ll eventually end up raising the
boys as snowbirds if they choose to remain and thrive in a virtual or
homeschool setting. As long as they are thriving, I’m happy as a clam to do
I have been
tutoring online and amassing information about working with homeschool parents.
I am also doing some writing of travel articles.
Jacob’s dog
walking business is thriving, and he is even asking his clients for letters of
recommendation to put in his portfolio. He has done some clever marketing with
business cards and treats and his clients treat him well.
Aiden continues
to look for something he can do as a business but honestly would rather a nice
commercial or tv series drops into his lap. Sounds familiar.