My heart skips a
beat as my son points a gun at another kid, pulls the trigger and yells BANG!
This is exactly the behavior we have been trained, and in turn, trained kids
not to do. I wait for the other child to scream and run home, instead he falls
down “dead”. Just as the unspoken rules
dictate, a pow or a bang and your dead. You have to lie down for 1 minute. No
adult told them that, they worked it out on their own, just as they picked
sides, and boundaries and created the intricate plot to go along. Kids from 6
to 13 are playing together harmoniously. No one telling them they can’t play,
it’s not right, or it’s inappropriate. I am torn between what is “right” and
what is healthy.
I call Jacob over and ask about the game. "It's great, one kid didn't want to be a zombie, so we told him he could watch or be some other thing. He sat down with a gun for a minute and the next he was up playing. Now he's a Zombie too." Totally self regulating.
misunderstand me, I am still your good ‘ol bleeding heart girl. Gun control,
anti-bullying, don’t hurt each other’s feelings girl. But, having spent the
last 13 years writing up reports for the most asinine childhood offenses has
made scenes like this a bit refreshing. Where is the line, have we crossed it?
How far back? When do kids get to be kids?
And then, Aiden comes over.
“Mom, we are playing cowboys and Native American’s! I got to
be a Navajo, I got em all!” The paradigm has shifted.
They have found a way to make the inappropriate appropriate. Until tomorrow
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