Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 10-12

Umm, just so we're clear, I do NOT condone clicking on the overseas brides ads! The rest, knock yourself out!
Also,  it would REALLY help if you could send me an email so I can send you a link to the updates, rather than the subscribe button. That one will be deleted soon so that we can track traffic to the sight.
Send it to me at fulltimenomads@gmail.com.
Those that sent it, thanks! I'll be taking down the subscribe feed soon so you won't get doubled up on.

And in other news.....
July 10-12

We are stopped at a KOA in Dillon, MT. It’s one of our favorite places.  After Montana, spending money on KOA’s will be a luxury so we are loving every minute of this! Alan and I found ourselves high fiving over getting 9 cable channels! We love that the kids have access to a great pool and wonderful playground, they’ve already made two new friends.
     Alan’s inner social butterfly has emerged! Today he filled me in on seemingly the entire life story of the current KOA owner AND had a conversation with the family next to us. The latter conversation yielded the most AMAZING blueberry scones and cookies as they are here training to open their very own Great Harvest Bakery and restaurant! (Great Harvest started right here in Dillon, MT!) So each day they come home and dole out the goodies! Clearly a minor set-back in our attempt to limit gluten…. Very kind!
     We are getting into a nice rhythm. Alan and I get up first and make coffee, walk the dogs while the boys sleep in and that way we get a little alone time. We set up our plans for the day and revel in how amazingly blessed we are to share this life together. We do our day, usually some networking online, some writing on an in progress E-book  and looking for jobs here and there. Some research about what to teach or where to go next, then walk the dogs at lunch again, this time with the boys. Jacob and I lay down and read a bit and then nap, yep, it’s tough to be me! Then we have some time to fish, swim, hike or explore depending on the weather. Cleaning the camper never seems to end but we are learning where things go slowly but surely. Then dinner and then another walk with the dogs. Clearly, some of that will change when “school” starts in September but for now it’s so nice to slow down. Silly things like having time to sew a couple buttons on clothing and mend a seam, things I haven’t had time to do in years! I love having time to do whatever it is that we want to do, pool? Sure! Fishing? Sure! Reading? Sure! Love it!  It feels so freeing and like I finally have time to focus on the boys rather than trying to work around them.
Things are rolling right along!

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